
We are currently advising our clients not to visit the workshop.

We are taking extra care to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19:

  • Working from home where possible (project planning, computer work, admin tasks).
  • While in the workshop, we are maintaining the 2 metre rule as much as possible.
  • Materials/parcels coming on to the workshop are not handled for 72 hours.
  • Increased cleaning of tools, machinery & general workshop maintenance.
  • Anyone showing signs of the virus are not to come to the workshop and are to self isolate.

We are still delivering models however a model maker will not accompany the driver at this current time.

    Some projects may have an increased construction time:

    • Certain processes and techniques involved in model construction may take longer.
    • A number of our material suppliers are working on a reduced service, therefore sourcing uncommon materials may take longer than usual.
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    Physical models are an important and effective way of communicating an idea for many purposes.

    • They are a critical part of the design process allowing exploration and development of a scheme.
    • They allow instant understanding of form, space and function
    • They help provide solutions and can help resolve any design flaws or considerations.
    • They offer a physical presence which 2 dimensional drawings and CGI’s cannot offer.

    Whether for design, development, planning, marketing or public exhibition, the physical model has a huge impact on the user.

    Our experienced model makers can advise on which scale and finish will work best with you requirements. Please get in touch.

    The scale of the model is often determined by the type of model required. Detailed models tend to work well at 1:100, 1:150, 1:200, 1:250. Masterplan and wider context models are often smaller such as 1:500, 1:750, 1:1000.

    The more information provided, the more accurate your model will be. Basic information required includes AutoCad dwg drawings of plans, elevations and sections. We will construct the model based on this information. True elevations are particularly useful.

    SketchUp files. We tend not to measure from SketchUp due to inaccuracies,  but can be useful for visualising the design.

    CGI’s are very useful to determine finishes and materiality of a building.

    Material samples from suppliers give a greater understanding to the materiality of a building. We can match colours and finishes accurately.

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    Cost & Time

    It is difficult to provide an accurate cost as each project is unique. We work with all types of budgets, so please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

    It is difficult to provide an accurate timeframe as each project is unique.

    Sketch models often take 1-3 days. Small - medium sized models can take 2-5 weeks depending on detail and finish. Large Presentation models can take anywhere between 6-12 weeks depending on detail and finish.

    We are able to produce models for all budget types. Please contact us outlining your budget and project requirements.

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    Yes we can arrange delivery of your model. For London delivery, a model maker will usually accompany the driver incase of any minor damages during transit or if there are removable elements to the model that need to be fixed in place upon delivery.

    We are aware that sometimes meetings need to be rescheduled or deadlines need to change. We always work towards an agreed deadline. If for any reason the deadline is brought forward, we will do our best to accommodate however this is not always possible. We may need to  change our schedule to accommodate these changes. This will result in extra cost to finish a project early.

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    During Construction

    We insist on regular visits throughout the construction of your model. Seeing the progress of the model opens discussions about design, finishes and other elements. If you are unable to visit, we will send photographic updates throughout the process and regular contact via telephone and email. We encourage regular communication as it is vital for a successful model.

    We understand that from time to time there may be changes to the design while model construction is underway. The scope of work will be set out in the quote. We are open to small changes however larger or constant changes to the original scope of work will result in an additional fee which must be agreed upon by both parties before any changes are made.

    The 50% initial cost which covers expenses and materials for the project will remain payable regardless. Depending on the timing of cancellation, we will require any outstanding fees to be paid up to that point. If nearing the deadline, we will require the full cost of the model to be paid. Model construction will cease immediately. We are under no obligation to keep hold of any unfinished models.

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    Additional Services

    We outsource this and can provide a cost upon request.

    Yes we can light your model. From a simple lighting plate to individual lighting. Lighting a model often changes the construction process. Therefore it is advised to mention lighting at the beginning of a project.

    With the time we invest in each project, we get to understand and enjoy the scheme. We are happy to make further changes or iterations to the model and see how the scheme develops.

    We are often asked if we can repair models. Whether it is a model we have worked on or not, we can make repairs to your model.

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